Monday, November 24, 2014

Little Milestones

My first semester back is almost at an end. It's been an easy journey in terms of coursework, but a difficult one in terms of keeping the drive going. Spring 2015 is just around the corner. It's barreling towards me with a fuller than full course load and a reunion with the sciences after several years of shying away from them. Work isn't getting any lighter either.

But I have L., who supports my every decision, and these tiny citalopram pills that are showing me a brighter world I did not realize could exist.

Overall, I am glad I have taken on this challenge. Having a purpose really does change one's perspective. Of course, I am giving up on the latter half of my twenties, but I'm starting to not mind that so much. I have my pets who cuddle with me, and my man who loves me, and my family who sends their encouragement from thousands of miles away. Oh, and I just bought a new car! Why shouldn't I be happy?